Make this Your Year of Fitting Success

Happy New Year!

I am not one to make New Year's resolutions but I do believe in setting an intention for the year and developing a plan to follow through. (semantics perhaps?)

This year my intention is FOCUS.

In spite of this ongoing pandemic and the uncertainty it brings, I intend to move into 2022 with a dedicated focus on your fitting success. With this in mind I've filled my calendar with online courses and fitting tutorials to help you achieve that goal so If you've been struggling with fitting sewing patterns and want to commit to learning how to fit this year, I'd like you to consider declaring 2022 your year of fitting success.

 If you're with me on this you already know the declaration isn't enough, you must back intention with action and I've got just the thing that will get you started. I'll share exactly what that is next week so keep your eye on your inbox so you don't miss it!

In the meantime, here are three steps you can take today:

1. Download the Perfect Fit Guide (and read it) if you haven't already. It contains the step by step plan you'll need to get started. Get the Guide

2. Take your body measurements. You'll find the Pattern Measurement Worksheet inside the guide with directions on what and how to measure.
WATCH: How to Measure Yourself

3. Learn how to find the fitting grid on a pattern. The horizontal and vertical balance lines are the key to understanding how to alter a pattern to fit you. Watch these tutorials to discover how to find them on a pattern:
How to Prepare a Pattern for Fitting I
How to Prepare a Pattern for Fitting II

Learn how to put these steps into action by watching these tutorials:
The First Fitting Session
How to Assess Fitting Issues

A friendly reminder:

As you work through these steps, you'll likely feel some resistance, you will be compelled to go back to your old fitting fixes and look for quick and easy answers. When these feelings arise consider your intention, do you really want to make 2022 your year of fitting success? If the answer is yes, set your old habits aside and be open to learning something new.

You can start today with these three getting started steps and you'll be firmly on the path to fitting success!

All My Best,
