Fitting Sleeves: How to Diagnose Sleeve Fitting Issues


Over the past couple of weeks we've been diving deep into sleeve fitting. In the first video of the series we talked about the armhole shape and size and determined how to assess if it will be a good foundation for your sleeve. In the second video of the series we talked about the sleeve itself and determined how to assess if it will fit into the bodice armhole correctly.

This week I want to demonstrate how to asses and trouble shoot the fit of the sleeve in a "real life" sample so I'm sending a big THANK YOU to Jill who has allowed me to use her photos in this video. I have no doubt that this example will help someone else struggling with fitting sleeves.

While this example is a knit sleeve, it represents the same issues that are found commonly in woven sleeves as well. Watch the video for a demonstration on how to assess the sample for fit and direction on how to adjust the pattern to follow.

Here are the links to the resources mentioned in this week's video:

The Forward Shoulder Adjustment Two Ways 
This video does not demonstrate the method I showed in the video but is an alternative if you find that the shoulder seam is sitting in the correct position at the neck point but not at the shoulder point.

The Rounded Back Adjustment
This video is an alternative to shortening the back armhole as I showed in the above video, this adjustment will add length to the CB so always be mindful of that.

I hope you enjoyed the video! Have a great week!


All My Best,
